Reporting Dashboard & Analytics

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The better way to work with Payments , Banking & marketing data

Everybody loves eData Platforms
1st for its simplicity
eDataPay is an easy-to use payment gateway loved by online businesses
& web developers for its simplicity and power.
With eDataPay, you can accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB,
and other cards directly on your store.

Friction-free checkout process
Great for subscriptions and recurring payments
Easy solutions for building a marketplace and splitting commissions
Extremely developer friendly – powerful eDataPay API, mobile payments, and more
But growing your business with eDataPay Reporting is a must.
eDataPay’s built-in account reporting helps you keep track of overall sales, payouts, orders,
customers and products. You can generate custom reports using the eDataPay API.
eDataPay’s reporting dashboard is good to get started with.
You get to know your monthly summary report, monthly activity summary, transfer, and
balance summary, transfer reconciliation, account activity reports and other reporting options.

But as your business grows, you would like to have more comprehensive analytics for eDataPay Payment gateway and the Media advertising channels.